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Vitamin D

Writer's picture: Ayla DonlinAyla Donlin

I recently noticed a pattern in routine blood work I’ve had done over the past 10 years. My most recent bloodwork reported my vitamin D levels at 29 nmol/L - just below the normal serum range (normal serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentration range is considered between 30 - 100 nmol/L).

My physician recommended I start a vitamin D supplement, and within a week of starting the supplement, I noticed that my energy levels had increased.

This intrigued me and made me want to look back at previous bloodwork, and sure enough, my vitamin D levels were always at the very low end of, or just below, the normal range. This was the first time a physician had taken notice and recommended supplementation. I didn’t notice the pattern until looking back through past bloodwork.

Vitamin D plays many critical roles related to bone health, cell growth, immune function, neuromuscular function (communication between nerves and muscles), and inflammation.

My main interest in vitamin D was in the area of fatigue. Research has demonstrated that correcting low vitamin D can improve energy levels and decrease fatigue. Although I would not have been classified as “low vitamin D” (rather, at the low end of the normal range), I can certainly attest to the energy improving benefits of increasing my vitamin D levels.

I share this because I am learning how to become a better advocate for my own health and wellness. I am taking ownership and responsibility for noticing patterns in my bloodwork and other routine exams so that I can have meaningful and productive conversations with my health care team.*

*Please note that I am not making a blanket recommendation for everyone to take a vitamin D supplement. I do recommend having bloodwork done on a routine basis (whatever that looks like for you), taking note of patterns, and discussing with your physician.

Here is a helpful article from the National Institutes of Health about vitamin D:

To your health! :)

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